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Some of the country’s most prominent legal commentators are holding off-the-reco...
As a speechwriter, I loved writing jokes for events where politicians were able ...
Haiti has suffered political crises before, but never has its future seemed so b...
Veteran Rep. Tom Cole is fed up with his party’s insurgents.
The late Bob Graham’s book is everything politics should be.
The 12-person jury is a reasonable cross section of Manhattanites. That should m...
Why so many schools are building Beltway outposts.
Newt Gingrich offers advice for how Mike Johnson can stay speaker.
The hidden history of the Cold War adoption complex.
Biden and Trump are both campaigning on warped economic statistics, cherry-picki...
Why the Ohio senator and MAGA favorite is going to war against foreign aid.
In a new memoir, the renowned historian and her late husband relive the decade’s...
There’s a First-Amendment-friendly way to clean up social media. But tech CEOs w...
South Korea has a lot to teach the U.S. about locking up former leaders.
We can quibble on what counts as a strategy, but keeping a challenge off the pre...