How To Add Telemetry Sensor To Lilygo TTGO Meshtastic Node With BME280

We'll walk you through adding a Telemetry module (Temperature Sensor etc) to your existing Lilygo TTGO Meshtastic Node.

May 2, 2024 - 22:58
How To Add Telemetry Sensor To Lilygo TTGO Meshtastic Node With BME280
How To Add Telemetry Sensor To Lilygo TTGO Meshtastic Node With BME280

In this guide, we'll walk you through adding a telemetry sensor (BME280) module to your existing Lilygo TTGO Meshtastic Node to measure air pressure, temperature, and humidity.


Now let's get started with the hardware you need:

How To Add Telemetry Sensor To Lilygo TTGO Meshtastic Node With BME280
BME280 sensor comes in two flavors 5V and 3.3V. Choose either 5V or 3.3V based on your system requirements
When ordering from AliExpress, consider consolidating your purchases from a single seller to maximize savings. For instance, if you're purchasing an antenna from seller X, check if they also offer an IPEX to SMA-K cable. By sourcing all your items from one seller, you can significantly reduce shipping costs.

The hardware selection can be changed but we went with easy-to-get parts. One thing to note here is that soldering will be needed only to solder headers to the Lilygo TTGO and the BME280 module. This task can be outsourced to any nearby electronic shop and save you the money and the hassle.


The hardware is all ready and set now to the wiring. For this, we will follow the following Schematics.

Please keep in mind we are assuming here you already soldered the headers on the board so it will be a matter of connecting pins to the right place.

BME280 Telemetry Module - Lilygo TTGO

How To Add Telemetry Sensor To Lilygo TTGO Meshtastic Node With BME280
BME280-5V For The 5V Module
How To Add Telemetry Sensor To Lilygo TTGO Meshtastic Node With BME280
BME280-3.3V For The 3.3V Module
  • VCC/VIN -> 5V For BME280-5V OR 3.3V For BMP280-3.3V
  • SCL -> PIN 22
  • SDA -> PIN 21
  • GND -> GND
The BME280-5V Module Might Not Work With a Battery, It Works Only With USB
If you have a screen connected to the same ports, Please consider connecting the BME280 in parallel mode
Capacitors are good practice for decoupling one part of a circuit from another
It's Important To Note That The Order Of The Connections Might Vary. Follow The Labels And Io Ports On Your Specific Components And The Provided Schematics To Ensure Accurate Wiring. Paying Attention To These Details Ensures That You Establish The Correct Connections And Avoid Potential Issues or Damaging Your Components

Once all the wiring is completed. Double-check your connections and ensure they match the suggested layout before proceeding to the next steps.

Meshtastic Settings

  1. Open Meshtastic App (IOS for this guide)
  2. Go to the Settings page
  3. In the module configuration section go to Telemetry (Sensor)
  4. Scroll down to the Sensor Options
  5. Toggle the switch Enable and other switches according to your preference

In conclusion, adding a Telemetry module to your existing Lilygo TTGO Meshtastic Node is a straightforward process that enhances the functionality of your device. The chosen hardware components, including the BME280 Module and header pins, provide a reliable and readily available solution. Soldering may be required, but it can be outsourced to electronic shops for convenience. By following this guide, users can easily integrate a BME280 module into their Meshtastic Node, expanding its capabilities for telemetry tracking and enhancing overall functionality.

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